Mary: My WEPT - A Journey with Champions
Conquer players all over the world are getting excited for the upcoming World Elite PK Tournament where the best players from 64 servers will battle to be named the best fighter in the entire world of Conquer! Of course, everyone is interested in who these elite fighters are, but only one was willing to find out in person! Mary from Romania, also known as MoonNet from Storm server went on a quest to get screenshots of every single champion. Was it easy? Read on to find out!
PWNICORN: Hi Mary! How are you today?
MoonNet: Hey Laura, I'm fine, just got home from work.
PWNICORN: Great! So everyone is really impressed with all of the screenshots you took of the World Elite PK Contestants. But first, tell us about yourself! What is your character and server?
MoonNet: I play on server Storm on a character named MoonNet and on server Volcano on a char named . I play Conquer with my future Husband Marius who is also named "the human aimbot".
PWNICORN: Hahaha, wow. Do his enemies call him that?
MoonNet: Hehe, his enemies call him aimer, 'cause he has great skills and very good ping on Storm server. He teaches me all about Conquer from the first day we started dating.
PWNICORN: Aww, that is so sweet! So you started Conquer because of him?
MoonNet: Yes, I love games that challenge me. Conquer is the best game ever for me, a lot of quests, a lot of work and a lot of friends. I made new friends also when I started visiting servers and searching champions.
PWNICORN: So tell me what that was like! How many servers did you go on? Was it hard to find the champions?
MoonNet: I was on all servers aside from classic. It was hard just when some of the champions changed names. I didn't know about the new system. The rest was easy enough, I learned now all of the hidden places when characters stay AFK. I just look at their gear, garment color and start searching for them in Twin City and market. I learned some Arab too, because 40 % or more from champions are from Egypt and they didn't answer me when I talked with them in English.
PWNICORN: That must have taken forever! How long did it take to get all the screenshots? Can you show us some of your new Egyptian language skills? Hehe!
MoonNet: Well I didn't finish it yet. Two champions refused to make a screenshot with me and some of them play only at Elite PK or GW and I can't log on at that hour because it is too late for me. In Arab I used words like Basha= King and "t3al el tc wariny el stuf bta3k " = please come TC and show me your gear!
PWNICORN: Wow nice language skills. Hmm. Maybe I can log on and get those last few for you! Why do you think they would refuse to have their screenshot taken?
MoonNet: Well, one of them refused because he thinks this album is "geez" and he is too good to show others his stuff. A friend from FB got a screenshot with him and I added it to my album. He was mad at the start but now I hope he will learn more from this WEPKT. Many have good gear and skills, it is more important to have friends and support to! If you can help me find them, that will be great! I will finish it before WEPKT starts.
PWNICORN: True! I would think contestants would be proud to be involved in WEPKT. Maybe they are shy. Haha. So your character is a contestant as well?
MoonNet: Yes my character is. I won it in the first week. My best friend from Storm server helped me with some gears, I'm not shy to admit it.
PWNICORN: That's nothing to be ashamed of. You still need to have skills with the gears and you won! How are you preparing for it?
MoonNet: Well sweetie, I already did all I can to improve it, but I hope I will have a chance if I play with fires. Ninja vs.Trojan is too hard-- a Trojan can 1-hit easily if he has skills but a ninja must jump exactly on his head to hit him. I saw some of the champions skills and I don't wanna be mean but there are to many zappers and foggers! I will make some video also with them fighting in arena. My friends will be happy to see their skills. I upgrade subclass level already! All day at banshee helped me a lot: Apothecary level 9, Martial Artist level 9 and Chi master level 7! Until the event I will fix it!
PWNICORN: Awesome I wish you the best of luck! I can't wait to see the winners. Thank you so much for putting in all that effort and getting those screenshots. It is really cool to see all of the contestants! And thanks for the interview!
MoonNet: It was a big pleasure for me to do it, if TQ realize an event like this again I will start making an Album as soon as I hear about it. Thank you for your time too! ^_^
PWNICORN: Have a good day! Thanks for reading, everyone.
My WEPT - A Journey with Champions
Hi all conquer players. My name is Mary, from Romania .I start this game 3 years ago on server volcano but when Storm comes I joined it cuz I have good ping and new friends. I play on char MoonNet shared with my real life future husband Marius.
I won Elite PK Tournament in first week of selection for WEPKT and I start wondering with who I will have to fight at this great event. When I saw the list with first wave of champions on co site I thought it's a good idea to visit and meet all of them on all servers. I have lots of friends on many servers and when I told them about my trip on all servers they wanted to know about champions to, see gear and subclasses lvl. So I start making screenshots with all champs I meet and I upload images on my Facebook album, to be easier to show my friends what challenge expects them at WEPKT.
At first was a little hard because many of champions are Egyptians and they didn't answer when i explain them what I want and why I do it. I ask my Egyptian friends to translate me from English to Arabic, was pretty fun cuz I learned some Arabic too :P, like "basha"- king, "t3ala el TC warene el stuff bta3ak " – please come in TC to show me your gear. I must say thanks a lot to all my friends who helped me to translate. In rest was simple: "Hi I'm a champion from storm server, I need a screenshot with u for WEPKT album, if u want to see it please visit conquer Facebook page" .Was easy enough :P
I met a lot of players who won elite PK selections with more than 1 char, a lot who didn't gave the chance to the rest of players to participate, a lot who worked hard to win it, and some who had luck at it, like a sweetie archer from Ruby server, she win in 3rd week of selection because some of the strongest one got dc's at contest, maybe she will have luck at WEPKT tooJ.
On BabyIcey I met a great water, I was stunned, water win elite PK???? He is strong too, cuz he use combo items, best water from all servers I guess, gratz to him.
On Tiger I met Adriano, a super nice guy who helped me and informed all from his server about this event. He was the first 138 fire I met till then.
I've seen a lot of Kings/Queens from Romania too; I never knew about them, it was the proper moment to share experience.
After 2 weeks of selection was easy enough for me, many of the champions already knew about me and my Album, some of them search me on msn and my Facebook page to log on their server and make a ss with them. Just 2 or 3 of them were hard to find cuz I didn't know about "change name" system.
Of course from all this great and powerful players, it should be one who refuses to appear on my album. He said "its geez" (no name mentioned cuz many will start flame), he thinks he is the best from all, I explained that is not nice to play this game just for him, but he is just too proud to show all his gear (+12 set without cup) and his sub - class. Just a spoiled child I guess, who will learn a lot more at WEPKT.
90 % from all players who go WEPKT have +12 set, almost all sub-class fixed.
I learned a lot from this journey, made a lot of friends and shared experience with all. I promise my journey will never stop. I will keep visiting my new friends and keep making new albums for all conquer players.